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Re: JFK assassination

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 7:00 am
by franklin
After reading her bio, can you even believe that this woman took time to talk with me by telephone for nearly an hour?!? She was cordial and candid, very open and expressive. I can't wait to get her books, especially the one titled "Lee And Me" which has an afterword by Jim Marrs. (I have a book by Jim Marrs somewhere here in my home library. But I'm tripping over books everywhere in my home, so wish me luck in finding it, lol!) Jim Marrs was popular some years ago as a 2nd Amendment advocate and a good writer. I've not seen anything about him in years, until now learning that he wrote that afterword for Judyth's "Lee And Me".
One additional thought is the fact that Trump is saying that he'll release more of the "secret" documents about the JFK assassination. I'm looking forward to that. And btw, when Oliver Stone published his famous "JFK" movie, I saw it first on the big screen in a theater in Memphis, then many years later I bought the DVD, and some time after buying that he came out with a sequel, JFK Revisited, which I also bought on DVD. Now I learn that he was talking with Judyth Vary Baker.
Small world, eh? But what a fascinating time to be alive and paying attention!
Blessings, Salute!, and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Re: JFK assassination

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:15 am
by ajnock
Heh heh, Elias, you are just like a little kid. Lol - It's pretty awesome how after all this time you are still reaching out to new people and doing new things. You set a good example for us all. It would be great to meet up with you guys in White Sulphur. We will have to pin it down more specific in a couple months.

Re: JFK assassination

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 6:14 am
by franklin
Yep. I agree we should set up in advance. Personally, I'd kinda like to do it after February. But it will be a good moment. I'll bring the Scotch. ;)
And yes, as you noted, my mind is always keeping me too busy with life's never-ending stream of interesting things. The way I put it usually is --
"Nobody knows how crazy I've gotta be to be me."

But heck -- I can live with that, because there's never a dull moment, lol. Example? earlier this evening (Tuesday the 17th) I was on a radio show with The Bearded Patriots. That was a fun show in which the two hosts, Billy and John, let me focus mostly on the Oath Keepers. Next up will be Paul Preston at ""

And i'm sure you know that's a poor boy's way of promoting his book. ;)
After the holidays get by, I'm hoping to spend a few weeks or even a month or two focusing on my next book. That's another kind of activity that, thankfully, I also enjoy.
Anyway, Happy Holidays to you! See ya soon at our friend's place.

Re: JFK assassination

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 8:31 am
by ajnock
"The terrible thing about the truth is that you find it."

Remy de Gourmont